The Piazzo family is deeply rooted in the Langhe fabric. Newlyweds from farmers’ families, Armando Piazzo and Gemma Veglia, decided to carry on their family traditions.
Following the Second World War, the farming community were experiencing some hard times, the Langhe was the land of local writer Fenoglio’s “La Malora” (The Curse), and somewhere to escape from.
For the Piazzos however, this was all the motivation they needed in order to start their own business, even though everybody was leaving Langhe to go to the big cities to work in factories.
Armando and Gemma stayed. Armando first known as a firewood merchant, and Gemma running a trattoria, they started to venture into the wine business. Over time, and not without struggle, they began to buy one vineyard after another, both in Barbaresco and Barolo.
Nowadays the estate is established in San Rocco Seno d’Elvio, a hamlet by Alba in the Barbaresco zone, the original site where everything started. Along with the steep surrounding vineyards, a few others in Roero and Barolo (Novello) make up a total of 70 hectares.
Gemma is still going strong, now flanked by daughter Marina with her husband Franco Allaria, and their sons Simone and Marco.
Piazzo Family