The force behind Tenuta San Giacomo is Dario Bergaglio. Bergaglio is a very common last name among wine producers in Gavi. Several families bear this last name, all related. Dario was born and raised here, he is the 3rd generation of winemakers.
His grandfather Ferdinando was the cellar master at the world famous estate La Scolca. Right after the birth of his son Roberto (Dario’s father), Ferdinando decided to start his own business.
Dario produces Gavi di Gavi and Timorasso, in nearby Monleale. While Cortese has been in their veins since forever, Timorasso is a new venture for Dario. A project on which he embarked with Timorasso’s guru, Walter Massa.
The family firmly believes in the principle that great wines come from the vines first; therefore they devote themselves entirely to the most careful cultivation of vines, strictly respecting the territory and the environment.
Gavi’s key soil is limestone. Known for its porosity and high pH, limestone provides good drainage while retaining water during dry spells. It is an ideal soil for crafting wines of high acidity with brightness, elegance, and tension. Here we will also find areas of red volcanic (iron) soil and clay.
Dario Bergaglio